50000&1 SEAPS
Àbout the project
The 50000&1 SEAPs project provides a coherent approach to integrating Energy Management Systems (EnMS) with Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) according to energy management standards such as ISO50001. It aims to help municipalities overcome the barriers blocking institutionalisation of their action plans and reinforce internal structures and procedures for high-quality, long-term, energy policy and planning. This ensures that sustainable approaches to local energy policy and planning are spread and strengthened further across Europe.
50000&1 SEAPs is a three-year project co-funded by Intelligent Energy Europe, which ran until February 2017.
Origins of the project
ISO 50001 and other energy management standards explain how to establish, implement, maintain and improve an energy management system, enabling an organization to achieve ongoing success in all areas of energy performance, including efficiency, safety and consumption. This ensures that sustainable approaches to local energy policy and planning are disseminated and reinforced throughout Europe.
Project objectives
Résultats du projet
41 Municipalities in 8 countries develop a EnMS+SEAP approach, integrating the development of their SEAP with the development of Energy Management System
- 3 EnMS+SEAP Centralized training sessions for LAs and supporting structures have been lead in Padua (april 2014 – 25 participants), Barcelona (October 2014 – 52 participants); Lyon (November 2015 – 19 participants).
- 2 Open training sessions have been lead for partners and target Municipalities in Brussels (june 2015 – 48 participants and june 2016 – 37 participants).
More than 80 available tools on EnMS+SEAP development and implementation have been produced, collected and used to support the LAs in the 8 target countries of the Project.
More than 60 training seminars were held in the 8 project countries in order to launch a strong and effective institutionalization of the EnMS+SEAP approach in LAs involved
39 on 41 LAs involved in the project signed the CoM within the duration of the project
Investment plans are developed in all project areas and 143 actions are implemented in the 41 LAs supported within the project duration. 3 of them signed the new Covenant of Mayors according with the 2030 targets.
41 LAs defined its BEI (according with the CoM) and its Energy Review according with ISO 50001 requirements during the project activities establishing internal structure, role and responsibilities formally by naming an Energy Team.
Over 60 local forums have been lead in 7 project countries with citizens and stakeholders for EnMS+SEAP development and implementation
38 Municipalities + 3 Federation/Agglomeration of Municipalities developed its SEAP+Management System Action Plans according with ISO 50001 requirements
- 40 SEAPs have been developed by the end of the Project;
- 24 SEAPs approved by the end of the Project by City Councils;
- 11 SEAPs formally approved by the JRC by the end of the Project.
Monitoring Program and procedures established in 41 LAs
10 LAs certified according ISO 50001 requirements during the project activities
Final technical Guidelines to develop an EnMS+SEAP in LAs all over the world have been developed
108 new Municipalities engaged during the project activities
Promotion results oriented brochure in all national language
New Booklet on How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan with an Energy Management System