About the project
Compete4SECAP is a European Horizon 2020 project that ran from 2017 to 2021.
Its aim was to help local authorities implement their climate policy and optimise their energy management.
8 European countries took part: Germany, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy and Latvia.
In each country, four local authorities were supported by a consultancy firm.
Origins of the project
Compete4SECAP is based on two European projects, of which it is in some ways the logical continuation:
- ISO 5000&1 SEAPS, which worked on the integration of energy management systems into SEAPS, based on the ISO 50001 standard and the European Energy Award reference framework
- Save@Work, which has organised municipal energy-saving competitions
Project objectives
To help local authorities implement their climate policy and optimise their energy management, the project had several methodological objectives:
- To encourage the adoption of energy management systems based on the ISO 50001 standard;
- To encourage local authority staff to get involved in this issue by organising competitions;
And to facilitate the transformation of SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) into SECAPs (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans) in line with the new planning approaches promoted by the Covenant of Mayors.
Project results
GWh/year of energy savings
tCO2 emission savings from EnMS and energy saving competition
million tons CO2 emission savings by 2030 from 29 SECAPs
GWh/year increase of RES capacity
million euros cost savings. (implementation of EE measures within EnMS and energy saving competition)
French participant cities
Guide du Système de Management de l'Énergie (SME) pour les collectivités
Conseils, guides d'usage et d'entretien
Ordinateurs, Impressions et Photocopies
Autres équipements électriques de bureau
Rafraichissement et climatisation
Utilisation de l'eau
Aller au travail
Hors du bureau
Mobilier et plantes
Chauffage et éclairage - conseils additionnels
Vacances, célébrations vertes
Fiches sur le financement
Prêts bonifiés
Fonds BEI – soutenir les investissements dans l'efficacité énergétique
Fonds de cohésion (FC) Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER) Fonds social européen (FSE)
Programmes Life et Horizon 2020
Contrat de performance énergétique (CPE)
Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE)
Coopératives énergétiques citoyennes
Crowdfunding et microcrédits
Financement sur facture (tiers financement)
Fonds de Prêt Revolving (FPR)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 754162. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the Compete4SECAP project and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.