Label Territoire Engagé Transition Ecologique

What is the territory committed to ecological transition label?

The Territoire Engagé Transition Ecologique Climat-Air-Energie (formerly Cit’ergie) and Circular Economy label enables local authorities to commit to a process of continuous improvement in their public policies. It is deployed by ADEME, which holds the licence for the European Energy Award programme in France.

Find out more on the ADEME website

MT Partenaires Ingénierie has 2 consultants and 2 auditors. One of the consultants is also an international consultant.

Since 2012, we have helped more than 25 local authorities to obtain the label. This process is often linked to the implementation and/or evaluation of the PCAET.

For France, we were partners in the H2020 CoME EAsy project with ADEME. The aim of this project was to facilitate the synchronisation of EEA with European initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors.

We also audits requests for label CAE and audits Contract Objective Territorial (COT).

Our referenaces

Voluntary initiatives by local authorities

Territorial Objective Contracts (Contrats d'Objectif Territoriaux)

Agen Conurbation (with Climate Plan evaluation and GHG emissions balance)

Grand Besançon Metropolis

Brest Metropolis and city

Conurbation of Grand Châtellerault and Ville

Concarneau Cornouaille Conurbation

CINOR (La Réunion)

Conurbation of Epinal : Climate Air Energy, Evaluation of the climate plan and reporting of the territorial objective contract

City of Epinal

Eurométropole de Metz with finalization of the Climate Plan and COT reporting

Conurbation Grand Montauban, with Climate Plan

Community of municipalities of Montesquieu, with Climate Plan

Paris Ouest la Défense (POLD) : coordination of the contract for 10 grouped approaches, support for the POLD and the towns of Puteaux and Vaucresson

City of La Possession (La Réunion)

Vienne Condrieu Conurbation

City of Villeurbanne

COT Pays de Brest : 

Brest Metropolis

Community of municipalities Pays des Abers, 

Community of municipalities Pays d’Ironies, 

COT du SyBARVAL (Bassin d’Arcachon et Val de l’Eyre) : 



Conurbation of Val de Garonne 

Conurbation of Tarbes Lourdes Pyrénées