Second meeting of the Own Your SECAP project @ Vienne, Austria

25th-26th April @ Vienne, Autriche

Second project meeting of the Own Your SECAP project

The second meeting of the OwnYourSECAP project was held in Vienna, Austria, on 25 and 26 April.

On the first day, the partners held presentations on the progress of the various project tasks, while representatives of the project’s local authorities visited several sites on the theme of energy transition in the existing city, in the presence of an architect and lecturer at the University of Vienna.

The second day of the project meeting was shared with the local authority representatives, where several workshops were held on climate mitigation and adaptation.

In addition, some representatives of the municipalities presented their situation in terms of energy management, their SECAP, or the implementation of climate adaptation, among others.

MT Partenaires ingénierie, as the French national partner, attended these two working days along with some of the French local authorities participating in the project, namely Grand Châtellerault, Brest Métropole and the City of Lorient.