The necessity of a good energy management Good energy management is essential for any organisation, especially those wishing to reduce their energy consumption. But why implement energy management? Understand the consumptions There are many ways to save energy on a site or in an organisation. By identifying the items that consume the most energy, it is possible to judiciously prioritise the actions that will enable maximum savings to be made. As the biggest consumers are not always the ones you think, it is advisable to assess the breakdown of consumption by use. Estimating the benefits of an energy-saving measure With a view to continuous improvement or profitability, it is essential to assess the return on investment of energy performance actions in order to identify those that are the most profitable and therefore reproducible. Energy management therefore involves measurement and verification (M&V). This verification operation can sometimes be complex, as it requires consumption to be modelled before the action is deployed. Several methodologies for calculating gains, based on standards and protocols such as IPMVP or ISO 50015, are used as references for estimating the savings generated. Detecting deviations in consumption to ensure effective energy management All systems, whatever their nature, are naturally prone to drift (clogging, change of perimeter, etc.), which leads to over-consumption. Energy management allows us to ensure that equipment is operating normally and to take action only when necessary to maintain its energy performance. The more data is collected in real time, the faster corrective action is taken. Threshold alert systems automate analyses and alert the people concerned directly via the energy management tool. Raising awareness of energy management Just as you can’t ask drivers to limit their speed without a dashboard, you can’t ask site occupants to limit their consumption without energy management indicators. The behaviour of the people working in an organisation has a significant impact on energy, and it is essential to provide them with a dashboard of their consumption so that they can understand the impact of their actions.
Energy performance indicators
Energy performance indicators Energy performance indicators (EPIs) are a way of measuring whether improvements have really been made within an organisation. EPIs are used to highlight data When we look at an organisation’s energy consumption, the data that comes from an electricity, gas or water meter is limited insofar as it depends on external factors such as the weather and production. Energy performance indicators should therefore be used deliberately, as they enable the organisation’s performance to be genuinely assessed. The construction of an EPI depends on many factors, such as meteorological factors (Degree days, sunshine, etc.), production intensity factors (tonnage, etc.) or static values such as surface area. How do you compare EPIs? The interpretation of an EPI should not be taken lightly and requires consideration of the physical significance of the EPI. Here’s an example: The Wh/(Degree day.m²) ratio is an EPI that is very often used to account for heating performance. This EPI can be used to (1) compare changes in the consumption of the same building over time and (2) theoretically compare two buildings in terms of insulation. Why theoretically? Because other factors can influence the energetic performance of a facility for exemple here a building.
4ème meeting du projet OwnYourSECAP à Prague
Accueil À propos Activités Projets Actualités Contact Accueil À propos Activités Projets Actualités Contact Quatrième meeting du Own Your SECAP @ Prague, République Tchèque 17-18 Avril @ Prague, République Czech Quatrième meeting du projet Own Your SECAP La quatrième réunion du projet OwnYourSECAP s’est tenue à Prague, en République tchèque, les 17 et 18 avril. Le premier jour, les partenaires ont fait des présentations sur l’avancement des différentes tâches du projet, tandis que les représentants des autorités locales du projet ont visité plusieurs sites sur le thème de la transition énergétique dans la ville existante. Le deuxième jour de la réunion du projet a été partagé avec les représentants des autorités locales, où plusieurs ateliers ont été organisés sur l’intégration du climat dans les budgets municipaux et sur la mise en œuvre d’actions. En outre, certains représentants des municipalités ont présenté leur situation en termes de gestion de l’énergie, leur SECAP, ou l’efficacité énergétique, entre autres. MT Partenaires ingénierie, en tant que partenaire national français, a participé à ces deux journées de travail avec certaines des autorités locales françaises participant au projet, à savoir Grand Châtellerault, la Communauté d’Agglomération Rochefort Océan et la Ville de Lorient. En savoir plus sur le projet
2nd international P2P meeting in Prague
Accueil À propos Activités Projets Actualités Contact Accueil À propos Activités Projets Actualités Contact Fourth meeting of the Own Your SECAP project @ Prague, Czech Republic 17th-18th April @ Prague, Czech Republic Fourth project meeting of the Own Your SECAP project The fourth meeting of the OwnYourSECAP project was held in Prague, Czech Republic, on 17th and 18th April. On the first day, the partners held presentations on the progress of the various project tasks, while representatives of the project’s local authorities visited several sites on the theme of energy transition in the existing city. The second day of the project meeting was shared with the local authority representatives, where several workshops were held on climate mainstreaming in municipal budgets and on implementing actions. In addition, some representatives of the municipalities presented their situation in terms of energy management, their SECAP, or the energy efficiency, among others. MT Partenaires ingénierie, as the French national partner, attended these two working days along with some of the French local authorities participating in the project, namely Grand Châtellerault, Communauté dAgglomération Rochefort Océan and the City of Lorient. Learn more about the project